Ken Steele
Ken is a geologist living in The Woodlands, TX. Growing up as an "Air Force brat" required frequent moves that exposed him to diverse landscapes. His interest in geology was fueled by his early extensive exploration of the American West. He holds bachelor degrees in Government and Earth Science from Montana State University and a MS in Geology from the University of Wyoming. His three decade career in the petroleum business provided the opportunity to study the earth's history as recorded by rocks through deep time. Eighteen years working and living in Wyoming sparked an enchantment with the geology and history of that rectangular state. Ken also enjoys reading, writing, opera, hockey, and hanging out with his dog (who is indifferent to opera).
Mark P Fisher
Mark is a geologist living in Cody, Wyoming. He first became interested in geology as a kid growing up and collecting the impressive variety of Ordovician marine fossils found in the Cincinnati area. He received his formal geology education at the University of Cincinnati with a BS and MS in Geology with a specialty in sedimentology and stratigraphy. Mark and Ken started work in 1980 at Marathon Oil on the same day in Casper, Wyoming. Most of Mark’s 34 years in the oil and gas exploration and development business was in the Rockies with an emphasis on Wyoming and the Big Horn Basin. Mark transferred eight times, but always returned when possible to Cody where he has lived four separate times. He loves dancing, family, friends, outdoor activities, geology and living in Cody.
Deb D Steele
Debbie Steele is a geologist living in The Woodlands, TX. Her interest in geology was sparked in early childhood by her mother, who showed her rounded pebbles in the woods and explained that streams used to flow there. Her mother also helped her collect Miocene fossil shark’s teeth at the beach in Maryland. She got her BS in geology at Duke University and her MS in geology, specializing in paleoecology, at Vanderbilt University. Debbie started work at Marathon Oil in Casper WY in 1980, two weeks after Ken and Mark. Debbie’s 23 years in the petroleum industry included Rocky Mountain exploration and laboratory analysis of the physical properties of core samples. In addition, she worked 10 years for the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, WY, helping design the Draper Museum of Natural History. She enjoys cooking, reading, embroidering, gardening and editing GeoWyo articles.
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